Tuesday, 24 May 2022

 "The Treaties and the Treaty Relationship," produced by the Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba has guided the grade three students in learning about the treaty experience in our province. We have explored First Nations language groups, the story of treaty-making and the treaty lands in Manitoba.

Victoria Day gives us an opportunity to reflect on our past and to make a commitment to honouring the spirit and intent of historic agreements.

We are all treaty people!

Friday, 6 May 2022


Happy Mother’s Day

During these challenging times it has been our mothers that we have turned to for support. They have provided the guidance needed to face each day with courage. It is they who attend to our needs and wants.

We take time this Sunday to acknowledge and thank our mothers, our grandmothers, our aunties and everyone who plays a nurturing role in our lives. Your influence will assists children in becoming the empathetic global citizens of the future.