Monday, 23 October 2023


On October 12, the grade 3 students enjoyed a return visit from "Trees Winnipeg". This was the event that we had been eagerly awaiting. We planted trees! We chose a Linden tree for its hardiness, heart shaped leaves and fragrant flowers.

Later that same afternoon, the members of the Plant Club planted an Amur Maple. In the previous school year, members learned that maples do an excellent job of sequestering carbon from the atmosphere and aiding in the fight against climate change.

Monday, 9 October 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

September's "Plant of the Month" was the sunflower. Students viewed both fiction and non-fiction texts about sunflowers. We observed aspects of real sunflower plants and collected pertinent facts. Planting sunflower seeds and watching them germinate will allow us to see the early stages of the plant's growth. Integrating art into our studies, students researched facts about Vincent Van Gogh whose famous painting, "Fourteen Sunflowers in a Vase" students emulated to create their own art work. These were then presented to parents as a Thanksgiving gift.

I wish you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Stand Strong and Follow the Sun!

A special thanks to Mrs. McInnis who brought in her "Russian Giant" sunflower for our investigations.

Monday, 2 October 2023

National Week for Truth and Reconciliation

Throughout the week, the grade three student had an opportunity to view two books, When I Was Eight and Not My Girl, by Christy Jordan-Fenton and Margaret Pokiak-Fenton.

These books are based on the true story of Margaret Pokiak-Fenton, a residential school survivor.

 Students were then asked to think of a memory that they have with their family and to reflect on what it would be like to not have that experience.

Because indigenous children were living in residential schools, they did not have the same opportunities. 

Here are some of their responses.

Friday, 22 September 2023


On Thursday September 21, the grade 3 class welcomed Abigail Scott and Christian Cassidy from Trees Winnipeg, " A non-profit charity dedicated to promoting the benefits and concerns of trees in Winnipeg's urban areas, focusing on tree diversity and care."

We were gifted with a Field Guide which allowed us to identify a variety of trees while on our neighbourhood walk. 

We learned the importance of diversity in maintaining the health of trees.

Students spent an engaging afternoon inquiring about a broad array of topics.

We look forward to Abigail's return in early October when we will be planting a tree!


Welcome to grade 3, where we have already begun to flourish!

During the first few days of school we worked to formulate a "Social Contract". Students were challenged to respond to the question, "Who or how do you want to be in grade 3?" After sorting answers into categories, statements about our values and beliefs were posted on a document which we all signed and promised to live by.